Persyst is a universal EEG reader and supports nearly 70 different data formats and vendors. If you have an EEG record, chances are you can read it in Persyst.
The following list details the formats and features supported. Contact us to learn more!
RV: EEG Review | PAT: Read patient demographics | OLEV: Online event detection |
DTEV: Outputs detection events to OEM database | RSEV: Reads recording system events | RSMNT: Reads recording system montages |
DV: Reads synchronized digital video |

Alpha-Trace digital EEG | RV, PAT, OLEV, RSEV | *.alp |
Bio-logic BrainAtlas | RV, PAT | *.dat |
Bio-logic CEEGraph | RV, PAT, RSEV | E*.dat |
Bio-logic CEEGraphV5 | RV, DV, PAT, OLEV, RSEV, RSMNT | *.eeg |
BioSemi BDF | RV, PAT | *.bdf |
BioSignal | RV, PAT, OLEV, RSEV | *.bpf |
Blackrock Microsystems | RV, PAT | *.ns* |
BrainLab | RV, DV, PAT | *.sig |
Cadwell Easy 3 | RV, PAT, OLEV, DTEV, RSEV, RSMNT | *-1.ez3 |
Cadwell Flex | RV, PAT, OLEV, DTEV, RSEV, RSMNT | *.arc |
Cadwell Spectrum 32 | RV, RSEV | *.00? |
Cleveland Medical Devices Crystal-EEG | RV, PAT, OLEV, RSEV, RSMNT | *.crl |
Compumedics | RV, DV, PAT, OLEV, DTEV, RSEV, RSMNT | *.raw |
Compumedics ProFusion | RV, PAT, OLEV, RSEV | *.sdy |
DeltaMed | RV, PAT | *_0000.eeg |
Deymed TruScan | RV, PAT | *.dat |
DigiTrace | RV, DV, PAT | *.w18,*.r27,*.w27 |
EBNeuro GaINT | RV, PAT, OLEV, RSEV | *.gnt |
Electrical Geodesics, Inc (EGI) | RV, PAT | *.mff |
Elekta Neuromag FIFF | RV, PAT | *.fif |
European Data Format (EDF) 90 | RV, PAT | *.edf |
Grass Technologies; AstroMed TWin, Aura, Comet | RV, DV, PAT | Logfile.qqq |
Lexicor | RV, PAT, OLEV, RSEV, RSMNT | *.dat |
Lifelines/Trackit/EDF | RV, DV, PAT, RSEV | *.edf, *.bdf |
MayoVax | RV | *.eeg.1 |
Mayo MEF | RV | *.maf |
MEF3 | RV, PAT | *.mefd |
Megsis Focus | RV | *.foc |
Micromed | RV, DV, PAT, OLEV, DTEV, RSEV | *.trc |
Moberg CNS Monitor | RV, PAT, RSEV | |
Natus NicOne | RV, PAT, OLEV, RSEV | *.e |
NEC Synafit | RV, PAT | *.dat |
Network Concepts Uniquant | RV, PAT | *.sif |
Neuralynx | RV, PAT, RSEV, DV | *.nrd, *.ncs |
NeuroScan | RV | *.cnt |
Neuro Data NDF | RV, PAT | *.eeg |
NeuroVirtual | RV | *.eeg,*.psg |
Nicolet Alliance NT | RV, DV, PAT, OLEV, RSEV, RSMNT | *.eeg |
Nicolet BMSI 3.0+ | RV | *.eeg |
Nicolet Bravo | RV, DV, PAT, OLEV, RSEV, RSMNT | *.eeg |
Nicolet Endeavor 3.x | RV, DV, PAT, OLEV, RSEV, RSMNT | *.xew |
Nicolet NicoletOne cEEG | RV, DV, PAT, OLEV, RSEV, RSMNT | *.one |
Nicolet NicoletOne nEEG/LTM/Monitor | RV, PAT, RSEV | *.e |
Nicolet Satellite | RV, PAT, RSEV | *.dat |
Nicolet Satellite ES | RV, PAT, RSEV | *.ebm |
Nicolet Voyageur | RV, PAT, OLEV, RSEV, RSMNT | data |
NihonKohden 2100 | RV, DV, PAT, OLEV, DTEV, RSEV, RSMNT | *.pnt |
OSG BrainRT | RV, PAT, OLEV, RSEV | *-hdr.sig |
Oxford 9200 | RV | *.* |
Oxford/Teca/Medelec DG32 | RV, PAT, RSEV, RSMNT | *.mod |
Oxford/Teca/Medelec Valor (Nervus) | RV, PAT, RSEV | *.e |
Oxford/Teca/Medelec Profile | RV, PAT, RSEV | *.eeg |
Persyst Layout | RV, PAT, OLEV, RSEV, RSMNT | *.lay |
Persyst MED Reader | RV, PAT, RSEV | *.medd |
Polymate | RV, PAT, OLEV, RSEV | *.dat |
QSI 9X00 | RV, PAT | *.ano |
Rembrandt | RV, PAT, OLEV, RSEV | *.msr |
RMS India EEG-64 | RV, DV | *.eeg |
Stellate Harmonie | RV, DV | *.sig |
Stellate Monitor/Rhythm | RV, PAT | *.eeg |
Telefactor CTE64 | RV, PAT, DV | *.dat |
TelefactorEDF | RV, PAT, DV | *.edf |
TelefactorTuff | RV, PAT, DV | *.ref |
UPittV5-64 | RV, PAT | *.eeg |
Vanguard | RV, PAT | b* |
WalterGraphtek/Dantek PLEEG | RV, PAT, OLEV | *.wg1 |
Xltek NeuroWorks | RV, DV, PAT, OLEV, RSEV, RSMNT | *.erd |
Xltek EPWorks | RV, RSEV | *.iom |
*Persyst has created built-in data readers for most supported formats so you can open nearly any EEG record in Persyst, regardless of the file format or the system it was recorded on. For a small number of some formats, the data reader is supplied by the OEM software vendor and installed with Persyst for a seamless experience. This means that to read these file formats in Persyst, either the original EEG software must also be installed with Persyst, or an additional data reader from the OEM vendor must be installed on the computer instead, otherwise there will be an error that the file cannot be read. Therefore, if you have data files of the following formats and do not also have the OEM software installed with Persyst, and/or are experiencing an error, please contact Persyst Support for help in working towards a seamless experience in Persyst.
AstroMed (TWin)
TWin Video files require an update to the TWin Video File Support in Persyst.
Cadwell Easy 3
Cadwell Easy 3 Support Files are required to enable Persyst to read the Easy 3 File Format.
If you already have Cadwell Easy 3 software installed, this is not required.
Cadwell Arc EEG
Cadwell Arc EEG Support Files are required to enable Persyst to read the Cadwell Arc File Format.
If you already have Cadwell Arc software installed, this is not required.
Compumedics ProFusion
Compumedics ProFusion requires an add-on for File Support within Persyst. If Compumedics is already installed, this is not required.
Deltamed requires an update for Deltamed File Support in Persyst.
EBNeuro GaINT requires an update for the Support Files to Persyst.
If you already have EBNeuro GalNT software installed, this is not required.
Stellate Harmonie
Reading Stellate Harmonie files requires that the Stellate Harmonie Viewer be installed.